The PlayStation 5 might use AI to dynamically improve game audio based on how you're feeling and playing.  Sony's Dynamic Music Creation in Gaming patent seen by GameRant indicates how machine learning algorithms could e" />

PlayStation 5 Might Use AI to Read Your Emotions and Create Dynamic Soundtracks

The PlayStation 5 might use AI to dynamically improve game audio based on how you’re feeling and playing. 

Sony’s Dynamic Music Creation in Gaming patent seen by GameRant indicates how machine learning algorithms could examine various parts of a musical score. Then, it could offer variations of the music in response to how a game is being played. Music will further trigger emotions within a player and provide a more engaging gameplay experience. Here is what you need to know. 

Sony Will Use AI to Analyze Your Emotions

The patent explains that the AI tech will analyze both a game’s scenes and a musical score to provide metadata for both to map out which parts could trigger specific feelings. Those feelings include wonder, fear, joy, tension, transcendence, tenderness, sadness, and nostalgia. 

Then, the system would map the music themes based on the feelings of particular “game vectors” (characters, locations, the player’s character, and action) that are anticipated to trigger. The final result is expected to offer game music in a more dynamic fashion that matches how someone is playing a game. 

So, if a specific part of a game would typically have tense music, but the player wasn’t reacting to it, then Sony’s system could make the music more emotional. Some games already do that, but only in pre-configured circumstances. 

Sony didn’t offer an example of that in action, but we could imagine how it might work. For instance, if there was an especially action-packed in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the system could ramp up the music’s tempo. It could also deliver a deeper baseline or an ominous discordant violin sound for more emotional heft. 

The PlayStation 5 wasn’t explicitly specified in the patent, but Sony has announced that its upcoming console will arrive with a 3D audio processing unit. So there’s a chance that PS5 could feature this AI tech. 

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