Minecraft Dungeons has a terrible boss called The Nameless One that you'll have to defeat later in your adventure.  You'll found it at the end of the Desert Temple. It is a mandatory encounter during one of Minecraft Dun" />

How to Defeat the Nameless One in Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons has a terrible boss called The Nameless One that you’ll have to defeat later in your adventure. 

You’ll found it at the end of the Desert Temple. It is a mandatory encounter during one of Minecraft Dungeons’ longer levels. Curious to find out how can you defeat the boss? Here is what you should know. 

Attacks and Strategies to Survive the Fight

Desert Temple boss The Nameless One possesses three moves – throwing fireballs, creating multiple versions of itself, and spawning skeletons. With such things coming one after another, you’ll probably be overwhelmed. Luckily, there is a trick that you might want to try to make The Nameless One more manageable. 

When the boss is charging its staff, go in up a little bit closer and shoot a few melee attacks. You’ll get some easy damage, and the spawned skeletons will be at a short distance away from you. 

After they spawn, run around the boss, but not too far away. If you run at the right distance, the skeletons will collide with the boss, causing a little damage. Such a move will allow you to dodge both the skeletons and the orb projectiles. You’ll also regenerate your skills. 

Now, the most challenging part: The Nameless One spawning lots of versions of itself to surround you. What should you do? This part usually comes after the skeletons wave, so try to keep your health up. The boss will teleport before the attack, warning you. So, when it does that, roll to the side and avoid getting hit. 

When that part is over, the boss will go back to charge its staff, spawn skeletons, and start the attack over again. The key is to use this period as a chance to avoid attacks for a little bit. You’ll also get some easy damage.

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