Adobe Flash Player Not Working On Windows 10 Pro – Here are the Best Fixes

Many reports are showing that users who update to Windows 10 Pro version are starting to have problems with Adobe Flash. The player crashes and users can no longer access websites that they previously could. While this Flash player issue might be annoying, fortunately, there is a way to repair it. With that said, today we are going to present a detailed guide that will show you how to repair Flash and access all your favorite websites again.

Download the Latest Flash Update

The first thing that everyone needs to do when Flash starts malfunctioning is to download the latest update. Even though Microsoft has bundled Flash in Windows 10, it’s still a good idea to access Adobe’s official website and check for the latest update. This doesn’t take longer than one minute and it may fix your problem.

Enable Flash Player

One of the most common reasons why Flash stops working after users install a new operating system update is because the player is automatically disabled. Luckily, this issue can be quickly fixed. All that Microsoft Edge users need to do is to click on the “More” actions menu that is located in the top right corner of the user interface, scroll down and then click on “View Advanced Settings”. From here, simply toggle on Adobe Flash Player and refresh the web page.

Check for New Windows 10 Pro Updates

This might come as a surprise to some of you, but Microsoft’s Windows updates are not always great. They can also introduce bugs and software issues. This is why Windows 10 Pro users who are facing similar Flash issues might want to check and see if Microsoft has released a new version of the operating system that patches the issue. Follow the next steps to check for new Windows 10 Pro updates: Open Start- Settings – Update & Security – Windows Update – Check for Updates.

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